Discover core value -> define -> strategize and implement -> review
Discover core value
Discover what values that make me tick, that inspire me, what makes me happy.
What values what I was brought up with, values that make me live a fulfilled life, feeling satisfied. What I believe in…
Define those value in detail, how do they relate to me, how do I map it to my life, how do I practice it. Why is it a value I want to practice….have I practice it in the pass? What were the consequences of not practicing it…what are will be the benefits of practicing it.
Strategize and implement
Come out with a strategy for me to incorporate those values in my life, how do I encourage myself to practice those values? What is the best mechanism to help me track progress of practicing those values? How do I keep the fire burning and sustain it. What is the best strategy so I will succeed in practicing the defined core values?
What is the best strategy to keeping this process alive!? That I don’t loose momentum and be another on of my shelved self renewal and transformation project?
After every quarter I will review, the defined core value, how well did I practice and uphold, are the practice core value, really my core values? The results of practicing those core values. Any change of core value? Change of definition?
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